Dominion’s Opinions

For colored GRRLS who continue to pull stunts when (alleged) insurance fraud should be enuf

A reading from the Book of…Ya Brista has a live and let live policy when it comes to religion. While...

The Sufficient Fiction: In Celebration of National Coming Out Day

The 1987 National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights occurred on October 11, 1987 and Ya Brista was...

The Art of the Catfish

Chile, ThaKiddz have been trying to catfish Ya Brista! These hoes got me fucked up, as the young people would...

Dear Dominion: Anxious in Anacostia

Dear Dominion: Anxious in Anacostia

Chile, the mailbag is full as hell! ThaKiddz have a lot on their mind, and no one is more qualified...

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